Sunday, August 4, 2024



Long time, no's not because I don't have things to say.  I just haven't shared them here.  I've been thinking a lot about beginnings and endings lately.  Maybe that's because we are entering our last child's senior year in high school.  Her graduation will be a huge end of an era for us.  Today while I was thinking about my youngest and reminiscing about the last, almost 18 years, memories would pop into my head.  Times I had been afraid, overjoyed, sad, amused, proud, etc.  One memory that popped into my thoughts happened when she was a baby.  I was out of town, and Neil had taken the kids over to some family friends' house, who we were once very close with, to swim.  In the matter of a few seconds, Elli fell into the pool. When he explained it to me later, he said it was so quiet that nobody even heard her fall.  The mother, whose house he was at, saw her fall in and immediately jumped in and saved her.  Typing it now makes me emotional, because of how differently it could have turned out. We are no longer friends with that family, and I have not thought of them in many years; but today I thought of her with gratitude.  Our lives would have been forever changed in those few seconds had she not had her eyes on Elli.  Although the friendships didn't last, and I would not want to reconnect; I am indebted  to her.  I believe that people come in and out of your life for different reasons.  I also believe that endings make way for beginnings.; and I am loving all the beginnings!  Senior we come!!