Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy 21st Anniversary NPayne!

Happy 21st Anniversary to my better half! NPayne....the guy who balances me out, makes me laugh A LOT, sacrifices so much for me and our family, has a wonderful generous heart of service, is one of the most calm, patient and loyal people I know, is the best dad ever, knows how to have fun, has a sweet spirit and a romantic soul, tells me I'm pretty first thing in the morning, and is just plain cool! Twenty one years ago....I adored you! Twenty one years later....who knew I could adore you even more! Sometimes it seems like just yesterday and other times it seems like I've known you my whole life! Our life together has made me a better person, and I am more grateful than I could ever tell you! Thank you!
N+L=many more fabulous years together!

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