Friday, August 20, 2010

Pity Party and Gratitude....The Two Go Hand In Hand!

As I balanced our bank account last night, for the millionth time this week, I realized that no matter how many times I balanced it....there wasn't much left. Money wasn't going to magically appear. So I started to throw myself another pity party, and I decided that I might as well check up on a few blogs while I pout. Honestly I am not usually this pitiful, but I guess yesterday was just not that great of a day; and I just continued my pity party throughout the day until.....I clicked on Katie's blog, and then my self pity immediately turned to gratitude. We have so so so much....and I don't mean just money and things....I mean health, our faith, our freedom, our country, our Jesus! I have these guys....who are not only healthy but able to laugh and be run and live somewhat go to school and be loved and to love.
There are children, people dying all over the world, right this very second due to starvation! I thank God daily for the opportunities I have been given. I thank Him for my family and our health! I thank Him for living in America. I thank Him for our jobs! I thank Him for people like Katie who are truly being His hands and feet! I thank Him for knocking me in the head sometimes when I am starting to think it's all about me! Think about sponsoring a child....through World Vision, Amazima, Compassion, your church. Think about it! Pray about it! Do it!

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