Tuesday, October 4, 2022


 It's finally Fall which makes my heart sing.  Although I don't particularly like change, I love the changing of seasons.  I think that's because I'm a middle of the road kinda gal.  I don't really like extreme anything and especially not for too long.  It would suck the soul right out of me if I had to live somewhere where the weather was the exact same ALL THE TIME!  With the change in seasons, I always get the urge to clean house literally.  This year I have also done some cleaning spiritually, emotionally and physically.   After a long time of feeling stuck, I have started to pursue Jesus in a new way.  I have done some deep soul searching, and I have gotten back on track with my health (mentally and physically).  Therapy is not for the weak (actually it is), but it does make you strong.  I don't usually "unfriend" people on social media, because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or make them mad (even if they don't really like me); but I have decided that my feelings need to come first right now.  If you don't really like me or have my back, you don't need to know my business....seems fair to me.  Someone told me once, "it's none of your business what people think of you", and although that is hard on insecurities; it is such truth.  If you're my friend and hold space for our relationship, thank you!  You mean the world to me! 

After a while of trudging along in life, I'm once again starting to enjoy it.

So if you're stuck in the pit or the trenches, hold tight!  Keep going!  You got this!  I love you!  You'll get there!! And all the other cheesy but truthful sayings!  

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