Sunday, August 28, 2022


 Discontent!!  Our pastor spoke of this today in her sermon.  I have been dealing with discontentment for many many years, although probably not in the way most would think.  For many people, a feeling of discontentment comes from not being satisfied with their status or possessions as in wanting more.  For many, it comes from not being satisfied with their circumstances or situation again as in wanting more.  For me, it comes from not being satisfied with all of those things; but again maybe not in the way that most would think.   About 8 years ago, I started feeling discontent.  After clearly hearing God tell me we needed to make some changes, I did a lot of soul searching.  However when God only speaks to you, it is oftentimes difficult to convince others.  

For a good part of our lives, my family has lived paycheck to paycheck, mostly by choice but sometimes due to circumstances.  Neil and I made the decision I would go from full time work to part-time when we had a baby.  We made the decision I would stay home with our kids, the years I stayed home.  We chose to have 5 children (albeit that caboose was a surprise 😜). However we didn't choose to have a child who needed so much extra care and attention, and we didn't choose for Neil to be limited in his job options.  But even with the things we didn't choose, I wouldn't change those years for anything. We were always extremely conscientious about gifts our children received from us and from others.  From early ages, our kids didn't accept gifts for their birthdays but instead accepted donations to something that was close to their hearts.  From early ages, our kids didn't have dozens of Christmas gifts, but only 3 each just like the Wisemen laid at the feet of Jesus.  I realized that even though we were living paycheck to paycheck and very conscientious of things our kids received, we still had a lot of stuff.   

As the years have passed, and money is more plentiful; I have become more discontent with the way we live our lives, the way we spend our money, the way things own us instead of us owing them.  The expense of taking care of a house, a job that causes my husband a lot of stress and time, and a community that is becoming less and less of where I want to be has multiplied my discontentment tenfold.  Years ago when I heard God clearly tell me to make some changes, I wasn't sure what He meant; but now I know. Simplify your lives physically and mentally.  Spend more time living and less time surviving.  We are fortunate enough to have the opportunities where that is possible, so why aren't we doing it?  Why aren't we taking more walks, reading more books, sitting by the lake?  Why aren't we taking more road trips, adventures, and giving more of our time to things we believe in? 

Discontentment doesn't always come from wanting more but sometimes it comes from needing less. 

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