Monday, October 21, 2019

I Don't Fit In

I don't fit in....really anywhere....or at least that's how I feel about 99.9% of the time.  I know I'm loved by many and have some of the dearest friends, but still I often find myself feeling like I'm on the outside looking in.  Most of this is probably just me and my feelings and may not even be valid, but I've decided it's worth being validated.  I've been noticing that sometimes my kids don't seem to fit in to certain groups or things either, and sometimes I have found myself worried about it.  But most of the time, it's just me reading something a certain way that really isn't that way at all.  And about 99.9% of the time, it is revealed that they didn't "fit in" to a group that wasn't really a group they wanted to "fit in" with; and then I'm enlightened.  For me, I have discovered that as well.  Usually I don't fit in to a group that just isn't my tribe, it's not every group.  However sometimes it feels like it is, like I don't fit in even with my tribe.  As I've gotten older, I have started being okay with not fitting in.  I am becoming more and more confident of the person God created me to be and with that realization, I am becoming more and more okay with not fitting in. 

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