Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I'm Feeling 22....or 52....basically the same thing!

Today is my birthday. I love birthdays, because I love celebrating the gift of life. I’ve been close to death a few times in my 52 years, and my health is not the best; so I’m super grateful to have another year under my belt. I’ve lost both of my parents, so I know grief and how so very hard it is without parents. I’m not ready for my kids to experience that pain yet, so again I’m so grateful to grow another year older. As I was reflecting on this past year, I thought about the people in my life...and how they have impacted me: the ones who stuck around, the ones who walked away, the ones who filled me up, the ones who hurt my heart, the ones I see often, the ones I miss a lot. I thought about how important people are to me. The ones who hold your hand in the good and the bad, the ones who you forgive and who forgive you, the ones who just listen and let you talk and the ones who you listen to. And then the people who love you with their whole self unconditionally no matter what, and I’m grateful. Authentic, honest relationships are a gift. People who stick by you and love you when you’re hard to love are a gift. Those who walk away....well....maybe they were there to teach you something or so they could learn something from you. Either way, I’m grateful for each of you and what you have brought to my life! Now it's time to eat all the donuts and drink all the coffee!!! Much love to you all!!

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