Wednesday, April 24, 2019


My heart is heavy.  Trying to balance my health, our house, finances, relationships, self worth and the overwhelming feeling of guilt knowing there are so many people with bigger struggles than I.  The world has become so dark to me. Focusing on the good things is a definite positive, but it hasn't come easily for me as of late.  Usually it does but not lately.  Then a week ago I was having a yard sale, just to get rid of some things and make a little extra money.  A woman and her husband stopped to browse.  She was looking at shoes I had for sale but decided against them and got into her car.  They both waved at me as they were driving away, and I waved back.  Then their car slowed before they left the front of my house, and I assumed she had changed her mind.  She got out and walked up my sidewalk, so I got up to go meet her.  I could tell she obviously wanted to talk to me.  She came right up to me, gently took my hand and looked directly into my eyes.  Then she slid a dollar bill into my hand and said, "This is for you."   I thanked her and assumed she would grab some shoes on her way back to her car, but she didn't.  She got into her car and waved at me again.  I looked at the dollar bill in my hand and realized it was a twenty dollar bill.  I don't know why she felt led to give me that, but I was very grateful.  The money was nice, and I have already paid that forward, but I was more grateful for the act of kindness....the gentle way she approached me and intentionally made me feel seen.  God is so good at using people, and I'm always grateful when they allow Him to use them.  If you feel a nudge, follow never know the impact it will have.

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