Tuesday, April 30, 2019


You know how God shows up in those little moments and sometimes you don't even realize it until they have passed? That recently happened to Bryna.  My parents and my in-laws have all passed away.  My kids don't have any living grandparents.  The only grandpa, that 4 of them knew, died in 2005....my dad.  Neil's dad died when Neil was one.  Elli has never had the experience of a relationship with a grandfather, and B's is very vague as she was only 2 when my dad passed.  My maternal grandparents were a HUGE part of my life, so influential in my spiritual walk but also with so many things in life.  I was extremely close to them.  My paternal grandmother died when I was a baby, so I never had the pleasure of knowing her.  My paternal grandfather died when I was a teen, so I didn't have long enough with him.  It's surreal and sad that my children lost their grandparents at such young ages.  My girls have often commented on how much they wish their grandparents were still here.  Yesterday I was driving B home from tutoring, and we were talking about her teachers.  She told me that she has a gentleman, Mr. Thompson, who subs in one of her classes regularly and how much she enjoys him.  She was telling me all about him, how he teaches a lot of life lessons along with the academic, that he is 80 years old but doesn't consider himself to be old, that he has a lovely wife, and that he reminds her of a grandpa she so desperately needs.  My heart hurt a lot for her, but I also felt really grateful to Mr. Thompson for making such a big impact in only a few short months.  Yesterday was his last day to sub, because he is moving to Santa Fe.  His daughter is building him and his wife a house out there next to her which is awesome for them.  The students were having a little heart to heart with Mr. Thompson and one of them asked him who his favorite student in the class was.  He said, "Well it's Bryna, because she reminds me of my granddaughter."  Maybe Mr. Thompson shouldn't have specified or maybe he should have said something like "You all are", but he spoke from the heart; and I think that all of the students appreciated that about him.   It was also a little blessing from God for Bryna....letting her know that she is seen and heard.  I like to think of  it as God telling her that He knows how much she wishes she had more time with her grandparents.  God works through us all in one way or another, and I'm thankful for Mr. Thompson and his honesty and love he shared with these kids.  He made a huge impact on Bryna, and she is going to miss him.   His granddaughter is very fortunate to have him. 

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