Thursday, October 6, 2022


 One of my friends shared this story with me this past weekend.  It reminded me of my daughter, Bryna, who turned 19 last week.  She shares "Jimmy's superpower", and although that is quite a legacy and amazing quality to have; it can also be really really hard sometimes. 

"Jimmy’s superpower is recognizing something amazing and unique in every person. His mission is to help people see the sacredness within themselves and to help people feel loved, cared for, and special. Once he makes a new friend, he goes about introducing one friend to another to another to another. He also has a rule that if you say a negative thing about a friend, you must follow it up with three nice things. Remember that: three things."

Being the one who many count on, the one who listens, gives of themselves fully is like giving a piece of yourself every day.  Then one day you find yourself running out of pieces, because your pieces are not being replenished.  Some people are not able to help you replenish your pieces, and that's okay.  If you are one who is, just make sure to check on your "Jimmys".

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