Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I can't wait for summer.  Sounds crazy to hear that in October....just when it's starting to cool off....but I can't wait.  I don't long for the 100+ degree temps, but I do long for the lazy summer days.  If we could skip from Thanksgiving to summer, with a few dates to celebrate, in between....I would be a-okay with that.  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, so I would never want to skip that!  NPayne's, Drew's Addi's and Cal's birthdays are all in Jan., Feb., March, May; so I wouldn't want to skip those...and of course there's Mother's Day too.  I miss sleeping late, eating all my meals with my kids, hanging out with them every day, having time to sit down and rest, swimming, staying up late, blogging, reading, editing, creating....I miss it.  Busyness exhausts me, and not in a good way!  I wish I could figure out how to balance the busyness of everyday with caring for our house, cars, yard.  I wish I could figure out how to balance the busyness of everyday with spending quality time alone, with my husband, with each child, with God...each day!  I'm giving it my best, but I still feel it's lacking in many many ways!  Balance....that's one thing I haven't conquered yet! I don't know if I ever will, so I am hoping I can continue to live in the moment!!

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