Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Sometimes simple things are the best reminders....or at least that's true for me.  My 15 year old son planted and grew this bean plant at school.  He brought it home with a big smile on his face, because well...look at it...it's thriving.  Cal might not understand all of the plant vocabulary he learned while planting and caring for his sprout, but he knows what it needed to grow....plain and simple....someone to care for it.  When I walk by that plant every day, with his name written on that cup, it reminds me to care for people the way that I have been cared for.  Give someone a piece of myself....even if it is a small piece...give it away.  I use to be overwhelmed by the thought of all of the needs in the world, because I thought I couldn't do much....one person, what can I do?  Over the years, I've learned that one person can make a huge difference; so I don't hold back....don't hold back!!  I recently went to a women's conference where Jen Hatmaker was the speaker....she said many things that impacted me, but one that I've thought about every day since the conference was....if we help the people around us, literally directly around us and if everyone in the world did the same....all the people of the world would be cared for.  It sounds so easy, so why is it so hard?  I can't help but wonder if it's because there are so many who don't think one person can make a difference; but one person can!  Don't hold back!!  The Paynes are about to embrace her advice in more ways than one....hold on to your hats people....it's going to get all lovey and mushy around here!  "We can't help everyone, but everyone can do something for someone." Ronald Regan.

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