Monday, May 14, 2018

Unanswered Prayers

A few years ago, God told me to in....physically move.  Many things pointed me in that direction and somewhere along the way, I got the feeling if I wasn't obedient that some really trying times would come.  Well since I was the only person, in the family, who got the memo from God; we didn't matter how hard I tried to convince....we did get close though.  I prayed that He would put us all on the same path, but that didn't happen either.  The last few years have definitely had their trials, and almost halfway through 2018 hasn't proven any different.  The last few weeks have been some of the most challenging health wise for some of us....mentally, emotionally, physically.  One of my girls made the decision to try to address some of the things causing her such heartache.  Neil and I were so proud of the way she handled it...talking through things with people who were important to her in person, and then specifically to some people who really needed to hear what she had to say and why she was hurting.  For her, it was huge and mature and freeing.  She oftentimes always sees herself as a burden to people....making things worse for them, making their lives miserable, not being able to get it right with anyone.  No matter how much I try to tell her that it is not her responsibility to make someone else happy, and she should never let anyone control her happiness or unhappiness; we all know that can be really hard to do for some of us.  I told her, in all honestly, most people aren't even thinking about her but more about themselves.  Unfortunately she has seen this to be true as it manifested itself in the last few days.  Although there were apologies after she shared her heart, they didn't seem sincere as other things have come to light.  Although there were tears, they were not sorrowful but self serving.  At first I couldn't understand why she still seemed so sad.  Then she shared with me the truth of what had happened that night she shared her heart with so many, and although it made a positive impact for some; she knew things would not be different for a few...the few who it needed to be different for the most.
It's a hard lesson to learn, as a teen, as an adult, as a person...that not everyone has your best interest at heart.  It may not start out that way, but sometimes it ends up that way; and it's just hard.  Believe me, she isn't perfect...this girl of mine...she can be snarky and sassy and very very stubborn; but her heart is good through and through.  She would never intentionally cause pain to anyone....never.  Through these last few days, I've done a lot of thinking.  I haven't heard God tell me to move in quite a while, but things are still really challenging health wise, financially, job/school wise.  So I've started revisiting that idea again, but mostly I've been praying for God to give us all the same direction.  I'll admit that I pray for some things to go the way I want them to, and most of them haven't.  They're still on my heart, and sometimes I still say them out loud; but mostly now I pray for contentment and understanding and good state of mind and body.  I trust God....I've seen Him do too many good things with "unanswered prayers".  I know He knows what He's's all the people in the world (oftentimes including me) who don't.  I feel some change coming.

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