Monday, October 18, 2010

Where Have I Been?

I realized today that it has almost been one week, since I've blogged.....GOOD GRIEF! Things have been crazy busy, and honestly I'm exhausted. WHEW! The Christmas photo sessions are starting to be in full swing, and as much as I absolutely adore taking photos....editing....making cards....etc.; it's a lot of work and takes much of my time. Then of course there's keeping Baby M....she is a really good baby....but I can't get much done when she's in my care, because well....she's a baby! Then there's the preschool job, then there's the keeping up with the house cleaning, then there's the shuffling kids here and there, then there's the infamous Spookarama coming up this weekend.....I can't wait for that one! Needless to say, it's a busy season for me right now....and as we all know....I am not a fan of being overly busy! I need a little down time, so with that being soon as I finish that photo book, pack my lunch box for work tomorrow, blow dry my hair, fold up those clothes that have been sitting in that laundry basket since yesterday, mop the kitchen floor....because I can't stand the floor to be dirty, and get my clothes and Elli's clothes out for school; I am going to curl up in my bed and finish watching the Ranger game. Unless of course it's over by then, then I'll just ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

1 comment:

Aspiring Mom2three said...

I am so much with you on this one! I finally lost it last week when I got a 3 day headache, knots in my shoulders and back, and just told God I quit! Then He reminded me of Peter and Paul, which I didn't appreciate. Watching after little ones that are not your own puts a different twist to the day. We watch 2 girls from different families, one is 20 months and the other is 8 months. Our house is not large and nap times make me cranky. Today I accidently shut the dog in the room with the baby and she howled to get out and woke her up... Grrr! I love seeing your new photos! You do a fabulous job! I wish we lived closer so you could take Caleb's senior pictures! Will be in Roanoke the weekend of the 7th. Honey has tickets for the NASCAR race.
Thinking of you today and this week!