Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sunday Sermon Summary.....Unwrap The Gift!

Today in church the sermon was titled...."When It's All Said and Done".....and based on the scripture John 3:16....
Pastor Rick, one of our Associate Pastors, led the sermon and was very inspirational. He told the story of Edna....a sweet lady who lived in a nursing home. Years ago, Pastor Rick use to visit Edna each year at Christmas and take her a fruit cake that some folks from his church baked. He noticed one year that the fruit cake that he had brought her the previous year was still sitting on the mantle in its original tin container. Nonetheless he left another fruitcake. Then on the 3rd year, he noticed that there were 2 fruitcakes still sitting on her mantle when he went back to deliver her the annual Christmas fruitcake. He talked about how her gifts sat unwrapped year after year, and how that is what happens to a lot of people. We get so busy during Christmas that we forget to unwrap the gift.....the gift of Jesus....remember that is what Christmas is about. For God So Loved the World that He gave His One and Only Son! God gave us the most precious it's up to us to unwrap it, treasure it, change ourselves with it, change others with it. Pastor Rick said if we unwrap it and are filled up with the Holy Spirit, then we will want to change ourselves for the better....we will want to serve others and help others....we will want to shine the LIGHT OF CHRIST....we will just want to be better people. If you haven't had a chance to unwrap the gift of Jesus, it's never too late....and you don't have to do it on Christmas! That gift is always available.

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