Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Clearing Out

So I'm on the last leg of clearing out things in our house....our bedroom/closet. Deciding what to keep and what to get rid of is a challenge...because I have a lot of antique furniture that use to belong to someone I love or that someone I love gave me. If I have to clear out stuff, it's hard for me to decide what to keep and what to not keep; but I can't keep everything. I'm trying to figure out a way to keep the pieces that I really love and make them functional as well which means I would get rid of some pieces that I am currently using but don't necessarily love. Make sense? Good! Right now I'm using everything. But as we get rid of excess, we won't need 3 dressers.... a shiftrobe.... a vanity and a bookshelf. So what stays and what goes? That is the question! I'll keep you posted, and I'll post some pics of my wall above my desk and my "new" desk....as soon as it's finished! EXCITING stuff going on in The Payne House!

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