Sunday, September 23, 2018


A little rant coming, so stop here if you don't want to read a rant.  

I don't understand why people can't take responsibility for their own actions.  Why?  Why must others take the blame for things?  Why must excuses be made?  Why can't people, especially adults who are suppose to know better, own up to their bad decisions and mistakes?  This is a big part of why I became so uninterested in politics, the news, social media, etc.  It seems like there's so much blame for things, and nobody willing to ever say...."I was wrong!" Or "I made a mistake!" Or "I'm sorry!"  Being "right" is not that great if you really deep down inside know you're wrong.  For me personally, if I don't own it; then I had no part in it.  I use to accept blame for things to keep peace, and because I do not like confrontation....even if I had no part in whatever it was.  As I've gotten older and in the last few years especially, I've decided I'm done with that.  If I make a mistake, I'm going to own it.  I'm going to apologize.  If I didn't, I'm not!  Letting yourself be blamed for something you had no part in is an act of self loathing, and y'all....NO MORE!  If you do this, stop it.  If you think it's the only way to keep peace or maintain a relationship, maybe that relationship is not one that's meant to be?  Letting this go and these relationships go has been very very freeing and made me realize that I am worth more.  You are too.

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