Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Sermon Summary.....My Mountain, Your Mountain, Their Mountain

Last week, Ken preached a sermon on mountains....and how people have struggles....mountains if you will. He talked about how we should pray for others to overcome their mountain, as well as, praying for ourselves to overcome our own mountains. This week in my Bible Study, my good friend Angie shared a story. It went something like this....
She had encountered a young single mother, at her children's school, who had 4 young children....the oldest being in 1st grade. This mother was currently going through a very difficult divorce and fighting for custody of her children. She stopped Angie in the school parking lot and asked her to pray specifically for her as her divorce trial was the following Monday. It was make or break time. Angie spoke about how her own husband had been out of town a lot for work, and how she had been a little crabby as she had to do chores that he typically did.....take out the recycle, fix the garage door, etc. She said after this young mother approached her in the parking lot, her own attitude and crabbiness changed to gratitude. She was reminded that she would only be doing these chores that she didn't care for for a few days whereas this young mother would be doing them always....or at least until her children were old enough to help out more. Angie said as she prayed for this mother's mountain.....the divorce trial and custody of her children....she realized that her own mountain was not that big. She was not focusing on the little irritations but realizing how grateful she was to have a stable life, a hard working and devoted husband....who did those pesky chores she doesn't like....and her wonderful children. The following Monday, the young mother nearly accosted her in the parking lot as she explained with great joy that she knew Angie had prayed for her; because her divorce trial was over. She in fact was granted sole custody of her children, and everything went the way she had prayed it would. Her life will definitely continue to be challenging....raising 4 children with a loving husband can be challenging....much less on your own, BUT it is also more stable and settled. And this young mother was so grateful to Angie and all of those who prayed for her and her children. As Angie said in Bible Study, sometimes when we pray for others' mountains to be moved; it takes the focus off of ourselves. We then realize that our mountain may not be as big as we thought it was. Of course there are times when our mountains are really big....almost too big to climb, but hopefully we will have people like Angie to pray specifically for our mountains to we can hurl ourselves over them.

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