Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thirteen Years Ago.....The Best Day of 1997!

Thirteen years life changed forever! You were born at 10:13 pm after a few hours of very intense labor. You were my first child....the first time I experienced motherhood....the best thing I've ever experienced! I remember every single thing about March 3, 1997! For the first time, I saw a piece of heart....walking around outside of my body! I remember holding you in my arms, and crying randomly, for the first few months of your life.....tears of complete and utter joy....tears of a love I had never experienced....tears of thanksgiving to God for blessing me in a way I had never dreamed about....tears of gratitude for making the bond between NPayne any myself even stronger! Since you were born, I have cried a lot....sometimes when you were sad or hurt which made me sad or hurt....but mostly out of the intense love I have for my children. I remember calling my mama a few weeks after you were born and telling her how sorry I was for anything mean, disprespectful, or ungrateful I had ever done to her; because I truly had no idea how much she loved me until I had you! For you I am beyond grateful. I adore you!
I love that you are such a kind soul and so very loving and helpful.
I love that you are equally as beautiful on the inside and out.
I love that you love church and your church family.
I love that you are growing your relationship with Christ.
I love that you are becoming such a responsible young lady.

I love that you are perfectly okay with hand me downs and
would never ask us to spend lots of money on THINGS for you.
I love that you are so appreciative when we do buy you something....even the littlest thing.
I love that you are learning how to manage your money and spend it wisely.
I love that you will also do something a little frivelous with your money and buy your sisters an ice cream from the ice cream truck.
I love that you love to spend on other people.
I love that you are sooooo creative and embrace your creativity.
I love that you write a Thanksgiving play every single year and direct
your siblings and cousins.
I love that you make your siblings birthdays so special by planning fun things for them.
I love that you leave me sweet notes telling me how much you love me.
I love that you are a good student but don't take school too seriously.
I love that you are following your dream of being on the drum line, AND
that you are one of the only girls on the drumline! ;)
I love to watch you play and listen!
I love that you have always embraced Cal and his special needs.
I love that when you were in 2nd grade, they would call you out of class
to help Cal regroup; and that you would gladly do it.
I love that you are always willing to change your plans if it will make things easier for Cal.
I love that you love him so much that you had a lemonade stand to raise money to help find a cure for Autism.
I love that he trusts you and loves it when you are proud of him.
I love that you have taught your sisters so many things.
I love that they look up to you and want to be just like you.
I love that Drew use to come get in bed with you when she was very little,
and you would scoot over and make room for her.
I love that you love watching Bryna's dance recitals and Drew's soccer games.
I love that you would rather spend time with your family than anyone else.
I love that you still play school and American Girl dolls with them.
I love that Elliot makes you laugh so much,
and I love that you think she hung the moon.
I love that you kiss and hug her as much as I do.
I love that you play with her and will gladly help her play a game or do a craft.
I love that you include her in your plays and in your playing.
I love that you encourage her in so many ways.
I love that you have always loved being a big sister and have always asked....
"When is the next baby coming?"
I love that you love photography as much as I do.
I love that you get almost as excited as I over a good photo.
I love that you help me in my business and will wear a silly hat or do whatever it takes
to get a client engaged in the shoot.

I love that you are my firstborn. I love that you never ask for much.
I love that you are almost as tall as I am.
I love that we can now share shoes. ;)
I love that you love your grandmothers, aunts, uncles and cousins.
I love that you are thoughtful and buy every one in our family a Christmas gift....using your own money.
I love that you are devoted to your church and are learning God's word.
I love that you take criticism to heart but don't let it get you down.
I love that when we ask you to do something, you do it.
I love that you are finally starting to keep your room clean. ;)
I love that you are becoming a beautiful young lady
but are not in a hurry to grow up.
I love date days with you.
I love that you have big dreams.
I love that you want to have lots of children.
I love that you are NOT one bit judgemental.
I love that you still hug and kiss me in public.
I love your's part of me....
when it's hurt....I can feel it....
when it's joyful....I can feel it!
I adore you!
You are so much more than I could have ever hoped for in a daughter!

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