Monday, February 1, 2010

Cracking The Whip!

I have been cracking the whip around to speak. Of course I don't really have a whip, and if I did; I would have no idea how to crack it. BUT....we have had a little more arguing and unkind behavior going on around here than NPayne and I are going to allow. I'll admit we follow a lot of The Love and Logic premise....give children choices, let them suffer natural consequences, let them work it out, blah blah blah. BUT when the arguing and unkind behavior starts to outweigh the getting along and kind behavior, and when the "working it out" is not going over so well....we must intervene....hence the whip cracking. Okay I am going to have to admit that my children....especially the girls....are not cut out for going on little sleep. They get CRANKY....hmmmm.....I wonder where they get that from. Last week was an extremely busy week with several late nights....including one sleepover, and honestly it caught up with a few of them....cranky turns into arguing turns into a little sisterly torment; so whip was cracked. They have officially been summoned to their room for the next 3 afternoons.....that is their natural consequence....being stuck with the very person who you are arguing with, being unkind to and tormenting. They asked me if they could play while in their room, and I said....Of course you're suppose to be practicing getting along, being kind, and working out any issues that may arise. They may join the rest of the family for dinner, but their consequence is "TO PLAY TOGETHER" in your confined bedroom full of fun stuff to do! I know.....I's harsh....that whip is cracking loud! I know....I know.....they and probably you are shaking in your boots, but guess what? That consequence always works in The Payne House....they end up having a great few days bonding and remembering how much they love each other and are grateful to have each other. They start enjoying each other again. That "being stuck together" consequence accompanied be a few nights of a really early bedtime and maybe a nap here and there to catch up on their missed sleep, and all is hunky dory again in the life of the sisters of The House of Payne!!

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