Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm A Walker/Runner

I started training with a new running group last Saturday. Let me begin by saying....I DO NOT LIKE TO RUN! As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I ran except when it was an emergency. When I talked to NPayne about this running thing, he originally thought it was a good idea, but as the time for us to start approached; he began to have second thoughts. He was concerned about my RA and the effects the running would have on my body, and let me tell you; I'm sore and a little stiff....BUT I'm sore and a little stiff every day! Really my body doesn't feel any different than before I was walking/running. I do feel more energetic just after 6 days of running and walking. NPayne has even gone with me to walk a few nights, and it has been so nice to walk and talk with my hunk of a husband! As I started purchasing things I would need for, sports bra, socks, etc.; NPayne asked...."What's your goal?" I said....."What do you mean?" He said....."Do you want to run a 5K, a half marathon, set a certain pace?" I said....."Size 8!" He said...."HUH?" I said....."My goal is to be a Size 8!" He smirked a little and said...."Oh Okay!"
So in case you were wondering what is motivating me to's the potential to be a Size 8....oh and the breakfast at Market Street that we have every Saturday after we train! I know that seems like an oxymoron....losing weight and eating....but what can I say....I eat yogurt and fruit and drink lots of coffee! And I love fellowshipping with my running buddies....that seems weird to hear myself say...."RUNNING BUDDIES".....who knew?

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