Thursday, September 2, 2010


Do you ever feel so overwhelmingly happy that you are almost floating? I feel that way today, and there's no particular reason why I should be happier today than I was yesterday or will be tomorrow....actually tomorrow is Elliot's bday, so I will be....well....melancholy but happy! It's just been a day of joy for me! I woke up feeling overwhelmed by happiness and although Thursdays are the busiest day of the week, and I am NOT a fan of busyness....I am overwhelmingly happy! Well that's all I really needed to share. I wish you all a blissful day of overwhelming happiness today or at least soon!

1 comment:

Aspiring Mom2three said...

Thinking of you today as you celebrate the birth of Elliott. The cake balls are a sugar overload... I can usually only eat one. Have a fantastic time celebrating this wonderful gift God has given you!

My overwhelming joy came at 4 p.m. yesterday - the rest of the evening felt like a vacation after the busyness of the day!