Saturday, April 23, 2011


As I sat in my bedroom sobbing this morning, I asked God the following: Why am I such a baby? He didn't answer, in case you're wondering, but He did get me up and moving and onto a wonderful day full of baby shower games, gifts, food, friends, and fellowship. He got me up and ready for an evening full of egg dyeing, egg stuffing, and preparing for a wonderful day tomorrow. He got me up and put a smile on my face which had been lacking the last few days and said...."You can do it!" And I discovered.....once I should have known all along....I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! I still don't know why I can be such a baby, but I do know that I am so grateful for how He shows me the way to be a grown up. As we celebrate Our Risen Lord....please remember:

"Blessed are those to whom Easter is not a hunt; but a find. Not a greeting; but a

proclamation. Not an outward fashion; but an inward grace. Not a day; but an

Eternity." And Have A Happy Easter!

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