Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Pedaling Pastor Project

So some of you Thinking Out Loud readers may already know this, but my daughter Addi is a fundraising fiend. Once she sets her mind to raising money in support of something, she sets her goal and always reaches it. Since our pastor Ken passed, she has been asked to help another friend of ours, Steve, you may remember this fundraiser (who is also a fundraising fiend) with a fundraiser that Ken had planned. Our church is a church of missions, an outward focused church, a serving church; and that is largely in part to Ken's leadership. Last year, we did the book study The Hole In Our Gospel which got our congregation asking the question....What If? What if we helped people who live right down the street? What if we helped people across the world? What if we became the hands and feet of Christ? What if? We adopted a few different areas near and far to specifically serve, and we lovingly refer to them as The Villages. So on May 21, the Pedaling Pastor Project will take place. We will all ride our bikes and make pledges in honor of the villages and in memory of Ken. Addi and our friend, Steve, shot a funny video to show in an upcoming church service. Make sure you mute the music below in order to hear it.

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