Friday, February 23, 2018

Sacred Moments

These last 2 weeks I've been feeling really really good physically.  I had some injections in my back that have alleviated my chronic pain almost completely.  The 3 weeks prior I was pretty much bed ridden due to the pain.  I'm not sure what happened to cause the flare up, but I hadn't had one like that in almost 17 years.  So while I've been feeling a-okay, I've been doing all the things.  Neil is closing in on our renovation....and I'm so happy I could do a herky, but I won't....definitely don't want to end up bed ridden again.  I've been clearing out all sorts of things, and it's been so freeing and fulfilling and bittersweet.  I've decided to scale down a lot of things.  I'm super duper sentimental, so this has been a long time coming; but it's time to take the leap.  My stress level has decreased immensely just due to clearing out clutter.  One of the things I have not mastered is how to multi-task well.  I just cannot get it down.  You would think with 5 children, I would be queen of this; but NO! I'm also not good at being overly's just not something I have learned to embrace.  However being in the moment....I'm getting really good at that, and oh's so good for me.  I would highly recommend.  The last week or so, I've been getting up early to read and exercise and drink coffee and listen to music and write.  It's been AMAZING!  At first, I was thinking I should be getting the dishes done, or picking up messes and I should definitely be waking Elliot up for schooling.  One morning this week, I found myself wondering why she was so tired and sleeping so late.  She's usually up pretty early.  She has just gotten over the flu, but it seems like she's still sleeping LATE.  The weeks I was in so much pain, I hadn't really noticed; because it took all I had to get myself up for schooling.   At night, we try to eat supper together as often as we can.  Neil works a lot, and Bryna is in a very busy season; so this has been more challenging.  After we eat and talk, everyone will start doing their nightly things...showering, journaling, reading, homework, whatever it may be, and then disperse to our own rooms...we all need that time alone.  I knew that Elliot had been spending a lot of time upstairs at night.  Her room is the only kids' room that's downstairs.  I wasn't really sure which siblings' room she was in, and sometimes it might vary.  Then one night, I heard Addi ask her to come up and hang out with her in her room.  It was then that I realized how much time they have been spending together at night.  They may be doing their own thing up in Addi's room, but they have been really enjoying being bookends.  Addi is almost 21, and she stays up pretty late.  Elliot will usually come downstairs and get in bed when she's tired, but it's been pretty late as well.  She's always been good about knowing her limits as far as being tired goes.  I thought about this a lot the day after I heard Addi invite her upstairs.  The more I've thought about it, the more I've loved it.  Elliot does school at home, and to be honest; we can get her school day completed in about 2 hours.  So I started I want to take this sweet time away from them, just so she can get up earlier?  NAAAA....the simple fact that they enjoy each other, and that sooner than later Addi will be on her own made me realize even more that this is sacred time.  They are 9 1/2 years apart to the day, but they are definitely one of each other's best friends.  I think God has given them this time together to also allow me to have time in the morning, while Elliot is sleeping, to take better care of myself.  Next year E is planning to go back to public school, and things will be very different around here during the day.  I'll probably try to find a job, Addi may be back at UNT; and some of these sacred moments will be more late nights for those two and no more lazy mornings for me; but I know God will provide other opportunities to be in the moment and enjoy the little but very important parts of life.  But for now, we are embracing these sacred moments as long as possible.

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