Sunday, January 23, 2011

They Must Be Felt With The Heart

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart."

Helen Keller

Can you imagine being blind, deaf and mute? Pastor Ken read this today in his sermon. All I could think about, as my sweet little Elli was sitting in my lap and I was rubbing her arm, was how much I would miss if I couldn't see her. I was thinking about how it would be if I was not able to hear my girls sing this morning in the church choir, or what it would be like if they never heard my voice say "I LOVE YOU!" There are so many things to be grateful for, and there are so many many people.....that I know personally and that I've just read about where God is glorified in the midst of struggles, hard times, heartbreaks, even devastation. Helen Keller's words are a true example of this....although she would never see her sweet daughter's sparkling blue eyes or precious tiny feet or hear her girls' sing in the church choir or even be able to vocalize her love for them....she knows....she really knows that if you don't feel the emotions in your heart, then it doesn't matter what you see, hear or speak. That's hard for me to grasp, since I spend most of my time soaking in my children's expressions and conversations; but I also know that I feel them in my heart.....sometimes so much it's truly overwhelming. Would I feel them in my heart if I couldn't see, hear or tell them.....I know without a doubt that I would....but if I'm going to be really honest.....I'm so very thankful that I don't have to.

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