Friday, October 23, 2009


I have posted before about treasures and how much I truly treasure certain moments or experiences. I experienced a treasure with Cal the other night. The girls were all snug in bed, and Cal was waiting for his daddy to get home from Bible Study. He is extremely routine at bedtime and NPayne is part of his routine. So if NPayne is not going to be home at bedtime, he has to tell Cal that he will not be home and that mama will be part of the bedtime routine that night. Cal always happily agrees, BUT the other night....I don't think NPayne told Cal that he was not going to be there at bedtime. So instead of trying to coerce him into his own bed.....I happily let him lay down beside me while he waited for NPayne. As we lay there all covered up, he took my hand and held it lightly. A few minutes later I looked over at him, and he was fast asleep....still holding my hand. I continued to lightly hold his hand until NPayne came home and put him in his own bed. Moments like this are such treasures to me, and I hope to relive one like this again very soon!!!

1 comment:

Aspiring Mom2three said...

I have loved these moments and they all too quickly passed for me. I used to hold Connor's hand during our Sunday nap times... mostly to make sure he stayed still and fell asleep. He has long since quit asking to sleep with us... I miss my babies but thankful that you are still able to experience this.