Thursday, January 14, 2010


If you know anything about me or have read my blog in the past, you may know that I am a rule follower....always have been, always will be! I think it all stems back to that first child/only child syndrome of always wanting to please everyone, but who knows. What I do know is that I have learned that rules, from time to time, can be bent or may be broken without any real harm being done.....GASP! I can't believe I just said that....well actually I didn't say it, I typed it! As I've gotten older and learned to live with my husband of nearly 18 years and my 5 sweet babes, I've learned that we don't need rules for everything; and honestly.....don't want them. I wrote a post recently about our family rules, and they were explained pretty plain and simple. Honestly those are the main rules we follow....BE KIND and BE HONEST. I've found if you follow those 2 rules in The House of Payne, your life will be pretty stinkin' SWEET!
HOWEVER, because I am a rule follower by nature and just can't seem to help myself; I do have some other quirky rules that I still follow and will ask my children to follow as well....mainly out of respect, consideration, common sense, (or because I'm neurotic) however you want to look at it. Here they are:
1. Do not walk through someone's yard or grass when there is a sidewalk available....RUDE!
2. Please wait until one is finished with one's conversation before chiming in with another conversation....In other words, no interrupting....RUDE!
3. You may not take food into the bathroom.....GROSS!
4. You must knock on the bathroom or bedroom door and wait for an invitation before entering....some of the tennants in my household are still practicing this rule! They may have the knocking part down, but it's the waiting for the invitation part they don't seem to have hold of yet. Again....RUDE and possibly GROSS!
5. Do not come into the bathroom while persaid person (me) is showering, bathing, brushing teeth, etc. and proceed to relieve yourself....EXTREMELY GROSS!
6. Make phone calls at appropriate times of the day.....BEING RESPECTFUL and CONSIDERATE! Friends of my sweet Addi....this could apply to you!
7. Do not honk for someone you are picking up....RUDE, but please go to the door and get them....CONSIDERATE! To the neighbor across the street that I do not know, this rules applies to you as well. Make that guy come and get you and stop honking....RUDE!
8. Put your dishes away....CONSIDERATE!
9. Do not throw food in any trash can except the one in the kitchen....GROSS!
10. When someone asks you to stop doing something, go ahead and STOP immediately not after they have asked you a gazillion times!!!!!

That's just a few.....believe me, I probably have many more; but these are the rules that came to mind.....because well....I have had to remind myself or one of my children about these rules of respect, consideration, and common sense lately....ahem.

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