Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One Year Ago Today

My sweet friend lost her baby boy in childbirth.
My sweet friend nearly lost her life.
My sweet friend's husband had a birthday on the same day as his son....the son that would never breathe a breath on earth.
My sweet friend's life was changed forever.
My sweet friends and I waited anxioulsy and nervously in the hospital.

One Year Ago Today....
It was all up in the air....It was all in God's hands....We were all helpless but hopeful!
One Year Ago Today....There were many prayers.....People on their knees....Sobbing and Embracing!

One Year Later....TODAY....She is feeling bittersweet! Bitter about the loss of her son! Sweet about the birthday of her amazing husband! Really Sweet about the second chance at life!

For many things I am grateful.....today it's for the life of Leslie!


Aspiring Mom2three said...

I can't believe it has been a year already. I'm thankful Leslie has had so many friends surrounding them this last year.

More Than Words said...

Oh my!!! Bless her heart!!