Twelve years ago at 10:13 pm, NPayne and I became parents for the first time. Addison Jo Payne was brought into our world. Little did I know that this baby, this precious daughter lent to us by God Our Father, would change my life completely. I knew I wanted to have children, but I really had no idea how much I wanted to be a mother until I became one. Addi made me realize how much my own parents, especially my mother, loved me. I remember calling my mother and apologizing for anytime I was ever mean, hateful or disrespectful to her and thanking her so very much for loving me so much; because now I knew that love. That was a love that I never completely understood until I experienced it. I knew my parents loved me, but I had no idea how much the love for your child envelopes you and fills you up. It's simply glorious. Addi is truly an amazing young lady....we couldn't have asked for a better daughter, big sister, granddaughter, cousin, friend, servant....she is so much more than I could have ever imagined.

Addi was a planned pregnancy. We had been married 5 years, and I was almost 30. I loved being married with no children and being able to go and do and travel, but we were ready for an addition. Addison Jo was due on March 18th, but she arrived 15 days early and in quite a speedy fashion. She was not my most difficult delivery, but she came in a close 2nd. No drugs, no epidural....all natural....she entered this world approximately 5 hours after I was admitted to the hospital and about 6 hours before my doctor expected her to arrive. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 ounces which made her our second to smallest babe. That is so hard to imagine now as I sit here wearing her jacket and shoes. I often find myself staring at her in amazement....I can't believe she ever fit into my belly, I can't believe God blessed NPayne and I with this person, I can't believe I'm her mother, I can't believe I'm so blessed by her. I cried a lot when she was born and actually for the first year of her life....and honestly even still, because I am so amazed at being her mother. I remember hearing the following saying after I had Addison, and it explains being a mother better than I could.....Having a child is like watching your heart walk around outside of your body!

Today you are 12....did I just say 12? Yes, 12! Last night, I said...."Next year, you will be a.....(and a big smile came across her beautiful face as she waited for me to say it) TEENAGER!" My daughter is 12! WOW! I'm going to have to change my profile information to say...5 sweet babies ages 2-12!

Addison is my maiden name, and I love hearing it over and over daily. NPayne swore that he would always call her Addison and never Addi, and he calls her Addi or Addi Jo ALWAYS. I still call her Addison often, because I love hearing that name!

Addison is an exquisitely beautiful girl, and yes she is physically beautiful, but it's her inner beauty that shines through. As I type this, my heart is about to burst when I think of her, of her generosity, her kindness, her compassion, her heart for serving, and her gentle attitude. She is like me some, but she is a lot like her daddy.....laid back, not in the least bit argumentative, extremely easy going, and sensitive. She has a gift for music and is not shy, in the least, about performing....whether it be solo or ensemble. She has a beautiful voice, is a talented musician, and is an absolutely exceptional writer. Addi writes the most amazing stories.

I love that she loves church and her church family. She enjoys going, learning, and oftentimes can teach me things about the Good Book and Our Savior. She practices what she preaches, and she has the light of Christ shining through her. She is growing and developing her own personal relationship with Jesus, and she knows that He is the most important part of her life.

I love that she loves life, she still likes to play outside, she still likes to play dolls, she still likes to play with her sisters and brother. I love that she is kind to all she knows, and I love that she will say she's sorry when there's been a tiff. I love that she plans fun activities for her sisters to do on a daily basis, and I love that she is so good at planning activities for their birthdays. I love that she is extremely smart and thinks outside of the box. I love that she likes to try new things, and I love that she still loves her favorite things. I love that she will give up her free time to help someone else. I love that she is so genuine, and I love that she is still very literal and a little naive.

I love that she loves school, her friends, and likes to be involved. I love that she is a good student and is working so hard on becoming more organized. I love that she has become so self motivated to get her schoolwork completed, and that I can trust her to get it finished.

I love that she is a deep thinker and has asked me to explain many things to her. I love that we have an open relationship, and I love that she is so easily forgiving and doesn't hold a grudge. I love that she respects her parents and that she is a good example for her siblings.

I love that she is still such a little girl at heart but is also becoming such a young lady. I thank God that she is thriving. I love that she was my first child, and I love that she loves being a part of a large family. I love that she would gladly welcome anyone else into our family. I love that she is a little sad that I am not having anymore babies, and I loved the excitement in her face each time she saw her newest little brother or sister for the first time. I love that she teaches her sisters and brother wonderful things, and I love that she will let her sisters or brother win at a game. I love that she is always encouraging to them.

I love that she has a face full of freckles, beautifully shaped eyebrows, full lips, and a round face. I love that she is starting to look like a lady but also still looks like my little girl. I love that she will still hold my hand.

I love that she enjoys doing things with our family and would prefer spending time with us than being anywhere else. I love that she has made sacrifices for her brother....when she knows he isn't comfortable with something, she is always willing to be flexible and change. I love that she is so proud of him. I love that she has sacrificed many things and is content with what she has. I love that she is willing to work for something if she really wants it.

I love that she wrote and recorded a song that we played at my father's funeral, and I love that she sang "Jesus Loves Me" at my uncle's funeral. I love that she loves the Lord.

She has been my rock so many times, and I love her more than I could possibly ever explain. I hope that someday she will experience this kind of love when she becomes a mother. I thank God for her every minute of every hour! She is an angel!
1 comment:
Lorie, I love your eldest daughter and have to agree with your beautiful tribute to her! She is a lovely person - both inside and out and you have very good reason to beam with pride every time you think of her! Tell her we said "Happy Birthday!" Hope it's a GREAT one! Love, Robin (and the Gang)
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