Tuesday, March 3, 2009

NOT ME MONDAY....That's what I get for whining!

If you read my NOT ME MONDAY post from yesterday, then you know that I don't do throw up....my husband so graciously cleans up any sort of regurgitation when he's present. I mean seriously, he cleans up 99.9%, of the time UNLESS he is not home. THEN this task becomes part of my daily duty....ewwww! Let me start the following story by saying.....NPayne was NOT home today.....you know where I'm going with this, don't ya? ewwww!
Today is Addi's 12th birthday, so I took B and Elli-0000 to have lunch with her at her middle school....by the way, I'm not a fan of middle school either (but that had to do with my own personal struggles as a middle schooler)....anyhoo we are sitting at the lunch table with some girls I didn't know waiting for Addi to get her lunch.....when the following occurs:
Elli-0000 crawls up into my lap and puts her head on my shoulder (I had noticed that she seemed tired today but didn't think much of it), then she started to cry; and I heard her stomache gurgle. A small amount of panic overcame me, and instantly I knew it was coming.....remember B had thrown up on Saturday at Drew's slumber party (but only the one time). I immediately stood up with her and started walking towards the exit....I didn't want her throwing up all over the lunch table, or the children who are trying to eat, or even in the presence of middle schoolers if possible. I wanted to try to avoid as much embarassment for Addi as possible, although she does have a heart of gold and would be more concerned than embarassed, so I guess I wanted to try to avoid as much embarassment for me as possible. As I was walking to the exit, carrying Elli-oooo with B close behind, it came hurling out all over the floor! WHEW....the floor, not her or me! Still in the cafeteria, I began to walk over to a teacher to let her know that my baby had indeed left behind that enormous amount of vomit, when....you guessed it.....here it came again. This time we weren't so fortunate, because I was holding her in a cradle position; so she threw up all over me and her. I didn't say anything else to the teacher but just started walking as fast as possible. I made eye contact with Addi, who was still in the lunch line, and mouthed the words "she is throwing up". She said, "I know"; and I responded with "We're leaving" as if she couldn't have figured that one out on her own. I took Elli to a bathroom and tried to clean us up as much as possible. Fortunately I was wearing 2 shirts, thank goodness the layered look is in style, so I removed the one with the majority of the regurgitated breakfast on it. Elli, on the other hand, left the school shirtless....B said "Mom, she's naked!" I replied, "No dear, she's just topless!" Boy that's a phrase I hope I don't have to repeat often. We walked to the school office, where the secretaries looked a little curious, so I filled them in and said we would try again another day. Needless to say we came directly home, bathed, and Elli is now sleeping!

Who knew a little girl could throw up so much....who knew?
Who knew?

Oh and speaking of Addi's birthday, my tribute to her will posted shortly....after I figure out why I can still smell throw up....that needs to be alleviated promptly!

1 comment:

Elyse said...

Hope she feels better soon. She looks so cute in the pictures! Happy Birthday Addi!!!