Friday, September 25, 2009


I was just reading an article written by our Associate Pastor, Cindy. She's great in more ways than I can ever explain, and she is an awesome writer. She was writing about how she's a Facebook she really doesn't want to be on FB, how she really doesn't want certain parts of her life to overlap, how she doesn't need to know minute details about everyone's day, and mainly how she likes to connect with her friends the old fashioned way....face to face (or by text or email..wink wink).....which by the way Cindy, I'm one of the 30 friend requests you have pending. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about FB lately. I am not a total FB failure, but slightly a FB failure. I do have a profile on FB, and I do look at FB every so often, and I do update my status, I do upload cute pictures of my kids, and I do read other people's updates....BUT I don't accept most of the requests and page loads, take most of the quizzes, play Maffia Wars, grow a farm, etc. I am pretty good with joining causes....because I'm all about a cause if it's one I support. As for the other requests, the reason I don't accept them is not because I don't want to, but it's because I just don't have time. I do accept friend requests, but that is getting out of I really know 218 people? And if I do, can I really communicate with 218 people on a regular basis? Naaaaahhhh....I can't. I get at least 2 friend requests/day, and as of late....I've been ignoring them if I have to ask myself the following question..."Who the heckfire is that?" Well actually I don't usually ignore them, because somehow I feel that would be rude; so they just sit there with all of the other requests to play games, grow farms, etc. NPayne assures me that they won't know if I click on the IGNORE icon, but I am not convinced. I have this vision in my mind that they will receive some email in bold letters with my picture attached that says something like.....REMEMBER HOW YOU REQUESTED HER AS A FRIEND? WELL GUESS WHAT! SHE IGNORED YOU! Anyway I just haven't gotten the nerve up to click on IGNORE just yet, so there they sit waiting for me to be their friend. It's not that I don't want to be their friend, it's just that I have no idea who they are.....even when I look at their picture and even when I look at their info. that says they graduated from my high school the same year I did.....I have no idea who they are! I will admit when I started receiving lots of friend requests from strangers people I don't recognize, I would usually accept it....I assumed we knew each other....why else would they invite me to be their friend? After several of these requests, I stopped accepting; because as I said.....I DON'T KNOW YOU PEOPLE! I think some people just look on other peoples' profiles and invite all of their friends to be friends with them....whew that was a tongue you get what I'm saying? Anyway I'm the fact that I have 218 FB friends (of which I don't recognize 1/3 of them even though I did go to high school with them), by the fact that I can't bring myself to click IGNORE, by the fact that I actually enjoy reading people's updated status (even if it is what they had for lunch), and by the fact that I find FB so interesting! So if you have sent me a page load, request to play a game or grow a farm.....I will try to get to it some day....BUT if you have sent me a friend request, and I haven't accepted; you're probably going to sit there with all of the rest of the requests....with a "friend pending" statement written beside my blank profile picture....and it's not because I don't want to be your friend....but it's because I have no idea who you are, and I can't help but wonder if you really know who I am!!! Now excuse me while I go accept 2 friend requests!

1 comment:

More Than Words said...

LOL, Lorie!

I'm a FB addict!! If I'm not working on blog stuff, I'm over there!

But, I do know what you mean about the friend requests. I get some, and I think, "Why would you ask me to be your friend? I don't even know you."