Thursday, September 24, 2009


Another conversation with Bryna Mae occured on Tuesday.
I picked her up from school, and she bounced her happy self to the car. When she got into the car, her smile drooped; and she said "Mama, I got a yellow card today!"
I said "Oh you did? Well you have gotten green cards for so many days in a row, so you should be really proud that you have been working so hard to make good choices at school. Just try harder tomorrow. What were you doing today to get a yellow card?" She said...."You can read it in my folder!" Her teacher will write a short note about what the child has done to have his/her color changed that day. So I read it, and it said...."PLAYING IN CENTERS"! I was a little perplexed, because where I teach....mind you it's a preschool of course....that's what you do in centers is play! But then I started thinking about when I taught kindergarten a gazillion years ago, and how the centers were more of a structured learning environment; so I understood maybe why she kinda got her color changed sorta. So I continued our conversation with...."So B, it says you were playing in centers!" She immediately and very defensively replied with...."Oh no I wasn't. I was dancing!" Oh well that's a whole different story.....because of course dancing in a structured learning environment is never disruptive and completely acceptable! ;)
She then said...."I couldn't help it, it was an accident!" And then my heart sank a little, and I felt badly for her....not because she got her color changed....but because I KNOW that sometimes she really can't help it! Bryna is one of the most joyful people you will ever meet, and she lets her joy shine through by singing and dancing. She does it constantly....I mean constantly! I often hear her in the backseat of the car singing to Elli about her day....something like this...."Oh Elli, I had the best day today....playing with my friends....and I had a cookie in my lunch box"....imagine that in a singing voice, and you pretty much have Bryna. It made me sad for her that she got in trouble for just being her, but I've said it all along....sometimes school can be stiffling....especially when kids are young. Now don't get me wrong, I certainly understand why she had to change her color card....well sorta...but anyway the point is that this girl has gotta dance....she just can't help it. Maybe I should be better about reigning her in when she breaks into a song or dance, but honestly I really enjoy it....most of the time....and I really never thought about it getting her in trouble. Who knew? The other night while Drew and I were at our retreat, NPayne let Bryna sleep with you have to understand that this is a real treat for any child in our house, because well frankly NPayne and I are stingy with our's ours, and we don't particularly like sharing it with anyone but each other while we're sleeping. We do let our kids come in and hang out and read or watch TV or talk with us on our bed, but when it comes to bedtime and sleep....we boot them on out to their own comfy beds. On this particular night, Drew wasn't home; and Bryna has a really hard time sleeeping in their room without her NPayne caved and let her sleep with him. He told me that before they went to sleep, she said....."Daddy if I sing and dance in my sleep, just ignore it." He said, "Do you do that often?" And she replied with...."Yes I can feel myself singing and dancing while I'm sleeping." Talking about letting music move you....apparently it moves her even while she's sleeping....see I told you she can't help it....she even dreams in song and dance! I love that my girl loves to sing and dance, and honestly if she gets another color change for dancing in centers.....I think it might make me smile!

COSTUME OR NOT.....this girl has GOTTA DANCE!!!

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