Wednesday, January 7, 2009

She's Getting Better

My Lifelong friend is on the mend....I went in to see her very briefly last night, and it did my soul so much good to see her eyes open and listen to her talk! She had her first meeting with the physical therapist to help her regain use of her left side.....she was not able to move her left side due to the rupture in her brain. She is doing much better physically, and I'm hoping she will be moved out of ICU and into a regular room today. As for the emotional's going to take a therapist of a much more divine, graceful and merciful kind to treat that pain; and it's going to be a long and very difficult road....there will be a "new" normal for her and all who love her.

1 comment:

Elyse said...

So glad your lifelong friend is getting better. You said it will take someone specialized in this field to help her emotionally too. Hang in there!

PS...Encounters of Another Kind was Armando's sermon