Thursday, October 30, 2008

That Princess Thing

I need to admit, that although I am a mother of 4 girls, I have never been a big fan of princess stuff. Sure I watched Snow White and Cinderella as a little girl, but as a mother; I just didn't want my girls to think that they needed a prince to "rescue" them. With Addi and Drew, the interest in princesses was minimal. They were both more interested in Barney and Dora (that's a whole other blog post waiting to happen). Then my Princess Bryna came along, and she is truly and undeniably the definition of a girly girl. She walks girly and talks girly and plays girly and does everything girly. Bryna is a princess fanatic. I have learned to adapt to this and have given in to some of her wants...princess toys, clothes, etc. When people ask me what to buy her, as a gift, I just say anything princessy; and she truly treasures it. When I finally had to admit that I had a wannabe princess, I was in the middle of doing a Beth Moore Bible Study. I was listening intently one night, as Beth was describing dressing up like a princess for an event that she was doing, and how the children came dressed up like princesses and princes, etc. Beth made the following comment.....You Are A Princess, Your Father is the King of Kings! Suddenly I saw being a princess in a whole new light, and I immediately wrote down what she had said. I decided, at that very moment, that being a princess or a prince is a wonderful and joyous thing (in that context). I have adopted that saying and use it frequently on projects I make as gifts and for my store. I began quoting that to my children and telling them that all girls are princesses (by the way I love the remake of the Shirley Temple movie The Little Princess where that quote is used). I'm still not a big fan of the Disney princesses, like my Bryna is, but I have become a true fan of being a princess; because of who my Heavenly and Holy Father is. I also love the fact that I can be a queen, since I have 4 princesses and one prince living under my roof. So see...being a mother is true royalty (as if I had to tell any mother that). We do need a prince to "rescue" us, and He already did that when he died on the cross for our sins.


Claremont First Ward said...

She's a gorgous princess! :)

Lorie said...

Ahhhh....thank you!

Anonymous said...

Beth Moore is just so smart. That is an excellent point. I have two daughters who are very much into princesses (sigh). I never was as a kid so I guess it was fate. Your princess is absolutely adorable :)