Today was my date day with Bryna Mae. Every Thursday afternoon is set aside just for us to spend together. Today I surprised her with an outing that she has been longing for, and I cannot express in words the amount of joy her joy brought to me. As I watched her on our outing, unbeknownst to her, her beautiful smile and bright eyes truly filled my heart to a point I thought it might explode. I found myself, and still do as I'm typing this, choking back my own tears of joy and gratitude. I truly thanked God about a gazillion times during that outing for the joy I was experiencing. Isn't it amazing how the simplest things can bring us so much joy if we allow them to, and how someone else's joy can be spread in such abundance that you feel literally overwhelmed by it? She has no idea how much joy I received today. And although I will tell her tonight, once again, how much I enJOYed being with her today; I don't think she will truly grasp the true, raw, pure joy that I experienced just by watching her. I am truly one grateful mama!
I just LOVE days like that with one of my kids! Jack's favorite day like that was when we had what he called a "photography lunch" together. We ate at Tolberts in downtown Grapevine, and then he took my new Rebel camera around and took pictures of EVERYTHING!!!! - people, dogs, flowers, buildings, cars, benches, EVERYTHING! He went up to complete strangers and asked "May I take your photograph?" It was the BEST day for him and we still talk about it. BTW - what did you all do???
so glad you're able to take time with each one. Sounds like you had a special day! Glad to know that your house is on the mend! Tomorrow is Friday!!! Celebrate!
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