I finally completed one project...YEA! Actually it's one part of a larger project which involves displaying some photograhs of the fam. I bought these really cool frames, many moons ago, made out of old barn wood; and I LOVE them. They are sort of rustic in a shabby chic sort of way. I bought SEVERAL of them which was dandy until we decided to load one up with photos.....then it was discovered that was near impossible to do without breaking the glass. The backs of the frames were basically nailed closed, so everytime NPayne tried to pry one of the nails up....the glass would shatter. Needless to say, he was QUITE frustrated and forbid me to buy anymore of these frames. What he didn't realize, at the time, was that I had bought SEVERAL already. I bought 3 really large ones and 4 medium sized ones. The good thing is they are collage frames, so they hold a bunch of photos. The bad part is that means there is a lot of glass to be broken. NPayne finally figured out how to take the backs off without breaking the glass - he's so smart that way and handy too, I might add. So now I have 4 of them complete, 3 are hung on the wall- WooHoo (1 is still waiting for me to decide where to hang it). Three of them still need photos in them (I am still working on that). What you see above....the frame with the 5 babies, obviously those are my children as babies. All of those openings hold 8x10 photos, so that frame is fairly large. The frame with 12 black and white photos is also a frame with 8x10 openings, so it houses 12 8x10 all in one frame - it is quite large and very heavy. That frame has a photo of each child (as a baby or a toddler), with me and a photo of each child(as a baby or toddler) with NPayne. Then in the middle is a photo of all 5 children and then our most recent family photo. I LOVE it with all my heart. The small collage photo frame holds all pictures (4x6) of Elli when she turned one. Last but not least is the cross frame which holds an individual and recent photo of each child. I am so thrilled to have these completed and mostly hung. More projects coming soon......
I'm still working on that old credenza....the stomache bug put me behind on that project.
Oh!!!!! I ADORE these!!! Can you come to my house and show me how to decorate and what to do with my stuff??? Wonderful pictures! ***clapping***
Beautiful pictures!
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