Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Anyone?

Going from Halloween directly to Christmas....what's that all about?
I walked into a local craft store yesterday and much to my dismay, I saw a ton of Halloween stuff on sale and a ton of Christmas stuff on display. There was one very small, I mean tiny, table of Thanksgiving decorations (if you could call it that). There have even been years, in the past, where I have heard Christmas music played on the local radio stations before Thanksgiving has even come and gone. Work with me's not time for Christmat YET! Slow down! Whoa Nelly! Don't rush the madness on me any faster than is absolutely necessary! Who decided that we should skip from Halloween directly to Christmas? Halloween is fun, and's celebrating the birth of Christ; so obviously it's important. But what aboutThanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful, grateful, and appreciative for our country, our freedom, our family, our friends. I think that is a big deal and extremely important. The Payne Train LOVES Thanksgiving, it's actually one of my favorite days of the year. It's not just because we get to eat A LOT of good food and watch A LOT of good football (that does make it nice and all), but it's because we get to enjoy our family and oftentimes our's because we get to express our thanks to our LORD ALMIGHTY, out loud in front of others and hear them express their thanks as's because we were blessed by being able to call ourselves's because we have freedoms that so many others don''s because we live in the land of the free and the home of the's because we get to give praise to its rightful owner without expecting anything in's because those things are important (the food and football is just a bonus).
This is definitely one of my pet peeves! I boycot all Christmas music until November. 28th!

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