Friday, November 21, 2008

SHEEESH....I'm Trying To Be Grateful Here!

I turned on my bathtub, and this is what I saw when I came back in a few minutes to put my babe in....a little shocking and quite disturbing. Now to refresh your memory, go back to my previous "Ventage....this time about my house" post and the "Deep Breath" post that followed. Since those posts, the following has or is occuring....
Driveway is repaired, actually even better than before....that dip that you had to put the pedal to the metal to get over is gone, tractors still everywhere, annoying beep beep beep...still continuing bright and early EVERY morning and ALL day long, and now a tub full of NASTY water. Work With Me Here...I have to bathe myself and my baby, so I can go to my daughter's feast at school.
Again Deep Breath....Did I mention my driveway was repaired? I can even park in it now that is when I can get down my street...Another Deep Breath...I guess I can just spray on some cologne and extra deodorant and skip the shower for now (it wouldn't be the first time). I'm grateful I have a house and a tub, and a baby to put in the tub (when the water is clean). I'm grateful I have a child to go visit for a feast at a good school. I'm grateful I have cologne and deodorant to mask the fact that I won't have had a shower (hopefully)....surely I don't smell that bad. I'll brush my teeth extra long and that way my fresh breath will be a positive distraction over my non showered body....wait my water is nasty....Another Deep Breath. I can use a water bottle to do it. I'm grateful I will have clean water by using a water bottle. I'm grateful I am getting new waterlines....TRULY I am. And I will be EXTREMELY grateful when they are FINISHED!


Aspiring Mom2three said...

Oh my! You have had your fill of yuckiness this week! I need to be praying more and more. Wish I was there to help in some way. Our home has flooded 3 times and I remember each time standing at my washer crying for God to make it stop. I found this site this morning and wanted to share it with you.

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh, no. A few years ago we lived in an area with lots of new development. We had a lot of disruption in the water lines and water that came out like that. It killed me.

Aspiring Mom2three said...


Bless you girl! I love checking in my blog and seeing a comment from you. Like a smile to my day. I'm glad you liked the Internet Cafe Devotions. I get an email notifying me of a message you've posted on my blog, but not on yours. I probably should check the follow-up comments box at the bottom each time I leave a comment!