This is what happens when you get carried away while pirouetting....Elliot immediately started to pirouette after she discovered she was wearing her beautiful new tutu. She was spinning and spinning and spinning and when she went to take a bow, her bum was facing the crowd; and they were applauding wildly (it was her mama and her sisters, so what would you expect). As you can see from the photo, her hands are still in pirouette position. I do wonder how one 2 year old learns to pirouette and do it so precisely! Maybe if you put on a beautiful new tutu, the pirouetting sort of takes over your body. I've always wanted a tutu, maybe I'll get myself one and see if it has the same effect. I bet NPayne would enjoy watching me pirouette especially if it involved a tutu.To visit the creator of Wordful Wednesday, go to
Simply Adorable!!!!
so cute! there is just something about chubby baby legs and a tu tu that gets me!
Too cute!!! Children and so curious about new things! How fun!
PULEEEEEEZE tell me you are going to frame that shot!!! Oh, my goodness, it's PERFECTION!!
So, so cute. Love that cute little tutu shot.
Love the picture! I remember when my Claire used to do cute things like that when she was little. Now I look in the mirror and realize how quickly they grow up. Thanks for sharing this picture of your cutie-patutie!
Let me know how the pizza goes. Hope it turns out just the way you want and your family has fun creating together!
i think we ALL need tutus. love the little feet, too.
That is the best!! The picture is adorable but the caption is priceless:-)
Now that is too cute and just what I needed to make me smile this morning :)
Love it!! :-)
That picture needs to go in a frame. Yes I know it's a booty and all but there's something about it. Too cute. And yes I think tutus are magical. :)
Great pic and commentary!!
Happy WW!
So cute!
Happy WW!
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