My Wordful Wednesday post had to consist of 3 pictures this week. These are pictures of my son, Cal, and his best friend, Adam. I have posted about Adam previously in one of my Friendly Face posts, because I think he is truly one of the most remarkable kids I've ever been blessed to meet. If you have read my blog previously, you may know that my son has Autism and Fragile X. Children and adults with Autism often have a hard time forming relationships with anyone, so when Cal formed this friendship with Adam last year; my heart jumped for joy. Adam is a 9 year old "typical" little boy who does not judge or think twice about being judged for being Cal's friend. As you can see in the pictures, he loves my son; and he is not one bit intimidated by the fact that Cal wanted to hug him, hold his hand, or put his arm around him IN PUBLIC nonetheless. I don't have a lot of experience with "typical" 9 year old boys, since I have 4 daughters and one 9 year old boy who is not a "typical" child; but once again I was amazed at how Adam didn't think twice about what the other boys (at the soccer field that day) would say about him holding Cal's hand, hugging him, and putting his arm around him. I know many of the other boys (not all of them but many), who don't know Cal, think he's quirky or "weird" which I've discovered is a quite common interpretation of my son (if you don't know him), but not Adam....he just thinks he's Cal....his friend.
To visit more Wordful Wednesday Posts, visit http://www.angiescircus.blogspot.com/.
I LOVE these pictures! What an amazing little boy Adam is, and I am overjoyed that Cal has a friend who really cares about him. Some people - typical or not - don't experience that kind of unconditional acceptance, so I am thrilled for Cal! Great and inspirational post, my dear!
I do hope you are all feeling better!
Love you friend! ~ Robin
How great that your son has such a wonderful friend. Adam is truly a blessing.
awesome - love this!!!!
Awwww! What an absolutely sweet post about two lovely little boys!!!
Happy WW!
This made my heart literally melt. What a wonderful friendship!
"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17
What a great example of friendship, and what neat pictures.
I rejoice with you, at the preciousness of this relationship for your very special boy.
You're a lucky mom to have such a sweet kid.
I appreciate all the sweet comments and encouraging words. We are truly blessed by their sweet friendship.
Great pictures! I love buddy pictures!
I'm so thrilled for you and the wonderful blessing of parents who raise their children in this way. What a wonderful blessing for Cal and your family. I love the pictures - they capture the joy of friendship.
He is a special young man!! I am glad that he found your son to play with:-)
what a great story, they look so cute together! Hope they are friends forever!
This brings joy to my heart. I am so glad that he has a friend who cares for him!!
Awwww....this reminds me of Rachel and Vanessa...who coincidentally are also 9 :)
bestfriends are so wonderful no matter the circumstances, but this friendship is indeed very special. Beautiful pictures.
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